Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

New e-apostille digital service.

Case Study 2
Case Study 2:

Client: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

The need:

As a well-regarded and respected world leading apostille service, the movement to a world-wide and adopted digitalised e-apostille service was gathering pace as other overseas authorities developed and implemented their own digitalised service, driving the need for the UK to develop and implement its own digitalised e-apostille service offering whilst maintaining the service integrity and highest levels of security and assurance gold standard the current service offered.

What we did:

We delivered a short 3-month fast pace agile, sprint based, discovery of jointly agreed epics, stories, and tasks with key stakeholders to deliver a new digital
'e-apostille' service delivery model, with one clear recommended tech / service build and redesign option, with choice and flexibility to pivot delivery approach and extent of digitalisation as per client's preference.
Working closely with wider client IT infrastructure and key external user groups, we gathered evidence to support the solutions proposed, as well as engaging and working closely with overseas government authorities who had already implemented similar models for lessons learnt, user requirement validation and benchmarking options.

How we delivered value and realised benefits:

The final business case delivered successfully provided options and a recommended solution that key stakeholders supported and would achieve the implementation of a world beating e-apostille service.
We spent time thinking and workshopping through the different digital signature and online documentation certification options and software providers to ensure the correct partners and software solutions / approach were chosen.

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